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Autumn Foliage
Writer's picturePastor Jim Crecelius

Ongoing Epiphany

How beautiful was the Christmas eve service!  Thank you to the musicians, the team that decorated the sanctuary, our media team and all those who made the worship so Spirit-filled and celebrative!  All the nativity characters who surrounded the manger as the nativity story was read.  A beautiful service indeed.


Now, into the new year, all the wonderful Christmas memories that you and your families made are fresh in your hearts as we pack away the ornaments, take down the tree, put away all the decorations and finish off all the leftovers from delicious meals and parties through the Christmas season.


As all this fades into memory and cherished experience we might become less hopeful, less energized as we face the new year.  With past pressures and angst still haunting our hearts and looking at the new year’s coming deadlines and compounded commitments, we might feel deflated and a bit overwhelmed.


But now we move into a season called Epiphany (more formally called the season after the Epiphany)! Epiphany (manifestation) of the Lord celebrates the coming of the magi (the kings) and marks the end of the Christmas cycle which began on the first Sunday of Advent.  During this season of Epiphany, we focus on the early ministry of Jesus.  The first Sunday of the season is always centered on Jesus’ baptism.


It is Jesus’ baptism that launches him into the mission and ministry of his life that will change the world!  As we move into this season ourselves, we can see the coming events in our lives not as obstacles to be overcome but as opportunities to build on and chances to live out the Commonwealth of Christ!  This new year has potential for growth, for touching hearts and changing lives!  The accomplishments of our past year (and there are many) are the fuel and foundation for us to build as a congregation!


We’ve gained more volunteers in education and for worship.  We matched a large donation above and beyond our tithes and offerings.  The number of baptisms in a year grew for the third year in a row.  Our youth had their busiest year in a decade.  We created new outreach/fundraising events, i.e. the UMCGR Plant Sale. (Thank you Mary Hanson).  Our “Chosen” Bible Study saw our largest attendance for bible study and brought in new faces.  We could keep naming blessings.  The Holy Spirit has been active and increasing in our lives together as a faith family!


So, building on that, what might God do through us in this coming year?!  I encourage each of us to be as engaged in the life of our congregation as you’re able.  Make worshiping together on Sunday mornings a priority!  Not just “something I’ll get to if I feel up to it” or don’t have something “more important”!  Meeting with God and gathering together in celebration as we praise our Savior is most important!  Choose to participate in at least two missions/ ministries in the life of our congregation.  Maybe one in the Spring and one in the Fall.  Grow in your knowledge of God and the scriptures by being in a Bible Study.  Build close relationships with others by participating in a fellowship experience: like our Fat Tuesday party of the Frightfully Delightful Halloween event.


God is inviting and empowering, and equipping us as we see ourselves grow as a congregation both in number and in discipleship; Praise God! May each of us open ourselves to the activity of the Holy Sprit in our hearts and in our lives.  May we experience an “ongoing epiphany” of Christ amongst us!


Be God’s, Pastor Jim


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