GROW in Love of God and Neighbor
There are many opportunities within our church to GROW. Grow along with us!
Ready Set Grow
Established in 1990, our Ready Set Grow preschool program is an outreach program touching around 24 families annually. Classes begin in the fall and sessions are two days a week. For more information about enrollment, please contact Mary (readysetgrow@umcgrmn.org).
Fireside Readers
Our Fireside Readers group offers great fellowship and a "novel" way to get to know each other better while sharing a love of reading. We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at church at either 1:00 pm 6:30 pm or by Zoom to discuss our book of the month. For more information, please check the monthly newsletter.
Good Samaritans
If you or someone you know needs help with a handyman task or a special project in your home, ie: move an item, fix a door, window, etc., we have an awesome group of guys who are willing to help.
Contact Church Office at 218-327-2216.

REACH New People
Join us in reaching new people and building disciples of Jesus Christ!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls made by With These Hands Knit & Crochet group are available to give to anyone who may be in need of prayer, comfort, and God’s love.
You'll find these gifts near the Info Booth. Please leave your name, the shawl recipient’s name and the date of gift on the clipboard on the shelf near the shawls.
Habitat for Humanity
We have an annual Habitat Week in June and we have members who work on a Habitat site every week.
To discover more about this ongoing ministry that reaches out to many in our community, please contact our church office. 281-327-2216.
Youth Fellowship
Youth meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Meetings begin at 7:00 till 8:15. This year we will focus on Living a Life as a Follower of Christ. We’ll be discovering God’s plan for our lives and how we can live lives of integrity and honesty in a culture that barely gives only lip service to these values
Please contact Pastor Jim to know more. (pastor@umcgrmn.org)

HEAL A Broken World
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”.
Quilts for Community
Our Quilters group meets on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 - noon. Their annual goal is to prepare as many quilts as possible for the Community Connect event, held each October. These quilts are donated to those in need at that time. No sewing experience is necessary, there's a job and a lot of fun and fellowship for all. For more information, please contact Kay (rkklinger@gmail.com) or Linda (lingenra55709@gmail.com).
Open Door Coat Rack
Over 15 years ago, our church began an outreach program to bring warmth to those in need. Held each fall at GRUMC, the goal is to provide warm winter coats, boots, mittens, scarves, and hats to those in need - particularly children. We are joined in this mission by many local churches and volunteers. Each year we have distributed these items - free of charge - to well over 1000 people. To learn how you can help, please contact the church office 218-327-2216.
Second Harvest Food Bank
Within our Missions program, we support our local Second Harvest Food Bank which serves over 100 food relief agencies in a 7 county area of North Central Minnesota. Donations are received weekly.